Monday, January 16, 2012

New Years Resolutions...

Yes, I know I'm a bit late!  I went on a trip to the states and decided that it would be better to make my resolutions when I got back.  So here we go...

Resolution #1- Fold the laundry when it comes out of the dryer!
I am notorious for not doing this.  In fact, I HATE folding and putting it away.  Generally it just piles up on top of the dryer or in laundry baskets until it is no longer a pile but a mountain.  But, no more!  Honestly, this will probably be the hardest of my resolutions to keep.

Resolution #2- Get back to the gym and get in excellent shape.
I am super excited about this resolution.  In October and November I went to the gym 3-4 times a week.  I felt great and even though I didn't lose a single pound, I felt better about myself and looked a bit more toned.  I fell off the wagon in December when family came and then it was the holidays and then I went to the states to visit with family.  I know, not very good excuses.  If I wanted to, I could have kept up with my routine through all of that but I didn't.  I was being lazy.  Not anymore!  I am going to start my running routine again and I am also starting the 30 day shred videos.  I'm starting the 30 day shred because it is hard for me to do anything other than cardio with Bella because their is only a place for her to play in the cardio room.  This way I have no excuse.  I can do it in my living room.  I think my weight loss goal is going to be 15lbs but not sure because I know that I have gained weight in the last month...just not sure how much.  That I will find out tomorrow when I go to the gym.  I hope to lose the weight by March 23rd which is our battalion ball.

Resolution #3- Start working with Bella more on letters/numbers/writing.
Maybe it is just the teacher in me, but I do not want Bella to be average in school.  I want her to excel.  And if I can help her do that I am going to.  She is already pretty smart for her age; however, I honestly cannot take a lot of credit for that.  She amazes me with the stuff that she just all of the sudden knows.  She knows most of the alphabet and her numbers up to 20.  She is showing a lot of interest in writing and letters right now so I plan to start with those

Well, there they are.  Shouldn't be too hard to keep these resolutions...well except for the one about folding the laundry lol.

Until next time...